JordanLand (Need Dedicated Members)
Come join JordanLand, we are a great server, who have helpful mods, and players who would be happy to help you.
We are a balance 3.1.2 Tekkit server.
Our IP is
If you have any complaints or any sort, please do not rage and say the server sucks, instead, post your complaints on the forums,, and we will see if we can do anything about your complaints.
It doesn't help that you say something is " bad " without reasoning.
We do have a few rules, which are the obvious ones.
1 - Don't grief.
2 - Don't steal.
3 - Don't trick and kill.
4 - Don't exploit any bugs or any sort. Report them to me.
5 - Don't create traps.
6 - No advertising and spamming.
7 - Other common sense rules.
Anyways -
Disabled stuff -
Now, you might be screaming, but EE is one of the most important mods!
Unfortunately, not. Even the creators of EE said that EE was not practical for multiplayer servers, as it was highly overpowered. You don't even have to go mining, you can simply use a transmutation tablet, with a couple machines, and then obtain EVERYTHING, without any feeling of achievement.
We are a semi roleplay, semi hardcore/PVP server. If you're up for the challenge of difficult gameplay, come!
If you're just a casual player, that's fine too. Just group up with some of your friends, and things'll be easier.
It is actually quite hard to survive on your own, and it is quite boring as well if you don't get a partner. You can find one just by asking if anyone wants to team up with you. Many will be glad to support you.
We have everything that makes the server hardcore, ranging from hunger depleting a bit faster, to death penalties. We're not so hardcore as to ban you on death, however, so don't worry about that. As I said before, if you can't stand difficulty, or are a solo player, then this server probably will not be for you, because you'll have to be partnered with someone, eventually.
We have residents and cars. No factions or towny. ( Residence > Towny, in my opinion. )
These will allow you to create a realistic city with highways and roads, while having it look neat.
We only feature 30 slots.
So come on, and join today!
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