SurvivalTekkit404 was launched in 2012, closed around ~2016-ish and re-opened in 2020 !!.
We're all about freedom 'n' fun!
No Paywalls.
No p2w mechanics.
No Microtransactions.
No hidden nor unnecessary restrictions/limitations/banneditems.
We allow non-premium/cracked players to join the server!.
---== [ How to join] =---
Install 'n' launch Tekkit Classic Version 3.1.2 (Technic)
We're cracked/offline server so use command: ' /register randomcode randomcode '
---== [ Commands ] =---
/help: Views a list of available commands.
/survival: teleports you to survival.
/banneditems: View banned items.
/vote: Vote for rewards.
/points: Hourly points.
/lag: View server performance stats.
/Rules: Views the server rules.
/leaderboard: Displays leaderboard.
/stats: View your hours played.
/warp: self explanatory.
/home: self explanatory.
/sethome: self explanatory.
/shops: List available shops.
/shopwarp: self explanatory.
*New commands/features will be added, as server progresses.
---== [ Protecting your builds ] =---
Use golden shovel to claim land and protect your build!.
---== [ Banned Items ] =---
- Railcraft World Anchor.
- Railcraft World Anchor Cart.
Additional items can be added at anyitem with short notice.
Gem armor abusive powers & other misc things are enabled, and allowed on the server.
---= [ Restrictions ] =---
- Computercraft:207: Requires Atleast Member. (Playtime based)
- All turtles:216,'216:1','216:2','216:3': Requires Atleast Member. (Playtime based)
- Industrial Credit: Can't be crafted (Used as vote credit)
Additional items can be added at anyitem with short notice.
---= [ ChunkLoaders ] =---
Keeps the chunk loaded 24/7.
Can be crafted by anyone & placed.
- Dimensional Anchor: Placement limit of 4-per-player, each one keeps 1x chunk loaded.
- Teleport Tether: Placement limit of 4-per-player, each one keeps chunk loaded.
---= [ Additional Information ] =---
Chunkloader(s) have no auto-off timer.
Claims don't expire.
Claims protect to the sky down to bedrock.
Claim blocks can be brought using '/buyclaimblocks <amount> '
The quarry won't keep the chunk loaded.
Server world doesn't reset unless necessary. (Breaks the server.)
The server does have a discord server. (Must have 10minute(s) of playtime to qualify for invite.)
EMC farms are allowed.
---= [ Server's IP ] =---
Port: 25565
Location: France (Paris)
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